
The ICANN71 virtual forum was held online on July 14-17, 2021,.

It was attended by representatives from many organizations working with ICANN.

The main topics of discussion were:
1) Directive on the Security of Network and Information Systems (NIS2) (Olivier Bringer - Euro Commission)
2) Protocol to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrimes, especially noted paragraph # 6 on requests for data on domain names registration, and compatibility with the Standardized System of Access / Disclosure (SSAD) data approved by the ICANN community (Alexander Seger - Consul from Europe).
3) Chair of the Root Server Systems Advisory Community (RSSAC) Assessing the Exterritorialy of NIS2 by Root Server Operators (Fred Baker - Chair of RSSAC)
4) The GNSO Chair outlined the ongoing EPDP-TempSpec for gTLD Registration Data in response to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as an example of ICANN community policy development in response to new legislation (Philippe Fouquart – Chairman of GNSO)
5) ALAC member explained the role of the organization in expressing end-user interests in ICANN policy development (Matthias Hudobnik)
6) CCNSO Consul explained how accepted ccTLD operators comply with regulatory requirements in their national jurisdiction (Alejandra Reynoso)
As a result, the moderator of the forum, Joanna Kulesza, held a lively discussion between the participants about all of the above topics.