
Domain name registration steps

1   Download documents.

2   Fill out the documents then sent the to our e-mail (contract and other documents bring to registry office).

3   Wait until we reply.

4   After receiving the response, you can make a payment and get a certificate.

Price for a domain for legal entities registered in Turkmenistan


1556 TMT /year


1556 TMT /year


1556 TMT /year


1765 TMT /year


1765 TMT /year


1765 TMT /year

Domain price for foreigners

List of documents required from entrepreneur to conclude the contract

  • Request letter and application
  • Provide an agreement for domain registration in 2 copies
Download documents for Domain registration

List of documents for legal entities required to conclude an agreement

  • Request letter and application
  • Provide an agreement for domain registration in 2 copies
Download documents for Domain registration

List of documents required from entrepreneur to conclude the contract for additional domain name

  • Request letter and application
  • Provide an agreement for additional domain registration in 2 copies
Download documents for additional Domain registration