Turkmenistan has launched events on the occasion of a significant event


Today, a solemn ceremony was held under the arches of the building«Türkmeniň аk öýi», located in the valley of the «Nowruz ýaýlasy» in Ak Bugday etrap, on the occasion of the announcement of the city of Anau as the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024 and the start of events that are scheduled to be held in accordance with the honorary status delegated to the city.

The project "Cultural Capital of the Turkic World" is designed to unlock the potential of the culture of the Turkic peoples, to familiarize them with their heritage. It involves the annual concentration of creative resources in various cities of Turkic-speaking countries, the creation on this basis of a bright, rich and diverse palette of humanitarian events based on strong historical ties and the ongoing dialogue between the distinctive cultures of sovereign states.

For the second time, Turkmenistan, as the country of the cultural capital of the Turkic world, gets the opportunity to attract the attention of scientific and creative intelligentsia to its ancient history and rich national culture, to demonstrate modern achievements on the path of progressive development.

In 2015, the city of Mary received this status, where various events aimed at strengthening cooperation between Turkic-speaking states and strengthening the bonds of friendship between fraternal peoples were held with great success.

As you know, the decision to declare 2024 the "Year of the great poet and Thinker of the Turkic world – Mahtymguly Pragy", and the ancient Turkmen city of Anew – the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024 was made at a meeting of the Permanent Council of Turkic held in the city of Bursa of the Turkish Republic. This testifies to the recognition of the efforts of our country as a State promoting international humanitarian initiatives, as well as the enormous cultural potential of the Motherland.

"Today, independent neutral Turkmenistan, consistently building up its partnership with the world's states and international organizations, remains committed to the status of permanent neutrality, which allows us to successfully promote a systematic course towards maintaining peace, friendship and brotherhood on a global scale. As part of the targeted cultural policy, which has a progressive dynamics, cultural and humanitarian dialogue with members of the world community, especially with the Turkic states, is coming to the fore," President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said in a welcoming address to the participants of the current ceremony.

The development of effective relations with Turkic is one of the important policy directions of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Arkadag, which are successfully continued by the head of state today.

The recent meeting of the Council of Elders of the Organization of Turkic States in Ashgabat testifies to the active role of Turkmenistan in the development of multilateral cooperation with this structure.

The new book by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov «Änew – müňýyllyklardan gözbaş alýan medeniýet» thoroughly and in detail describes the glorious past, the cultural and spiritual traditions of the Turkmen people that have been formed over the centuries, and provides specific historical facts.

In the Ahal welayat, as in all regions of the country, great attention is paid to the monuments of national history and spirituality located on its territory. Belonging to different archaeological epochs and ethnocultural traditions, they unite historical memory, which has become the spiritual core of the nation and the thread connecting generations based on the principles of continuity, patriotism and respect for the great past of the Turkmen land, its heroic and talented people.

These regions preserve layers of ancient civilizations: it was in the foothills of Ahal that the first farmers began to cultivate wheat, and the legendary Ahal-Teke horse breed originates here.

This year, the motto of which is "The Storehouse of the mind of Magtymguly Pragy", events dedicated to the anniversary of the outstanding poet and thinker are taking place throughout the country and abroad. Their main goal is to promote further popularization of Pragy's literary heritage, deepen scientific research in this field, and attract the attention of the international scientific and literary community to the poetic and philosophical world of the great Turkmen classic. His immortal poetic works and humanistic views had a huge impact not only on the life of the Turkmen in the XVIII–XIX centuries, but also on all the peoples of the East.

...Today, the atmosphere of a large Turkmen toy reigns in the Nowruz valley, where members of the Government, heads and representatives of the Halk Maslahaty and the Mejlis, ministries and sectoral departments, public organizations, mass media, as well as the diplomatic corps accredited in Turkmenistan gathered.

Among the guests of honor are the heads of the International Organization of Turkic Culture, the Organization of Turkic States, the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States, the Foundation of Turkic Culture and Heritage, the International Turkic Academy, relevant ministries of the member countries and observers of Turkic, as well as creative and scientific delegations who arrived to participate in the upcoming International Scientific Conference «Ancient Anew Culture», the media forum «Turkmen land – the center of ancient civilizations» and the International Conference «Main directions and potential of tourism development in Turkmenistan».

The guests and participants of the event were greeted with song and music performances by the master of arts.

Yurts representing all regions of the country are located here. Each of them became a stage for a mini-performance, the action of which unfolded both inside the traditionally decorated dwelling and outside, where women, comfortably sitting on the cot, prepare national dishes and sweets. Nearby, craftswomen are engaged in needlework, embroidering outfits, skullcaps, weaving carpets, making cats. Everything is like in the real life of ancient Turkmen villages, which invariably appeared on the most active trade routes.

Representatives of foreign countries participating in the current event also deployed their pavilions here, demonstrating the abundance of decorative and applied arts, folk crafts, homemade household items and other relics of the past. There are sounds of dutar, karnay, surnay, who invite everyone to the holiday.

Tamdyr, stoves and cauldrons are installed near the yurts. Wisps of smoke rise into the sky from cauldrons where treats languish, patterned sachaks spread, dastarkhans are covered.

Caravans of camels loaded with huge bales pass nearby, allowing those present at the ceremony to plunge into the distant past, when various goods were delivered along winding routes, collectively called the Great Silk Road.

The real decoration of the festive event was a staged Turkmen wedding, which was always accompanied by colorful rituals that became an integral part of the way of life of Turkmens who are committed to their spiritual and cultural roots and ancestral family values.

Along with the detailed recreated theatrical rituals, songs are sung everywhere – folk songs that came to us from the depths of centuries, and modern pop songs. There are wishes of prosperity and well-being to the beloved Motherland and the entire Turkmen people, sending good health to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for many years to come.

Historical and cultural monuments, being an invaluable national treasure, reflect the spiritual and historical experience of the people, the landmark milestones of the Turkmen statehood and are evidence of the contribution of our ancestors to the development of world civilization.

Today's celebration features large models of such monuments as Nisa, the settlement of Paryzdepe, the fortress of Abiverd and the mausoleum of Mane Baba, the mosque of Seyit Jemaletdin, etc.

In the theatrical production, the artists recreate the images of archaeologists, including Raphael Pampelli, who was one of the first in the world to recognize the Anau culture. Archaeological finds are presented here, including ceramic products, wheat grains "ak bugdaý", etc.

Ancient melodies performed by bakhshi became a wonderful background for the improvised action. In the distance, the guys are enthusiastically playing children's folk games. Athletes demonstrate their valiant prowess and dexterity in the yaglyga towusmak competition. In short, a real folk festival unfolded here with all its inherent traditions and fun.

The Turkmen people are indispensable participants in all festive celebrations – skilled riders on beautiful horses. Dashing Turkmen horsemen on magnificent horses demonstrated their incomparable skills to the music, giving a lot of delight and vivid impressions, a storm of emotions. The gallant posture and excitement of the riders are exactly matched by the regal stature and the hot zest of the horses.

It should be noted the importance of national values and good customs originating from the depths of centuries. Noble principles and centuries-old folk traditions are enriched in accordance with the spirit of the times and embodied in various forms of artistic creativity.

An extensive multi-faceted exhibition of works by artists, masters of fine and decorative arts of the Turkic peoples has unfolded on the site in front of the «Türkmeniň ak öýi» building.

This gallery also included samples of ceramics and sculptures, carpets created in the best national traditions, the authors of which are both famous Turkmen craftsmen and young talents.

Part of the opening day consists of bright, memorable photographs telling about the history and modern life of the Turkic peoples, conveying its rhythm and mood from a wide variety of angles.

In this context, the photo panorama presented here is particularly impressive, reflecting the scale, success and thoughtfulness of the urban planning policy of the President of Turkmenistan aimed at improving the standard of living of the population, creating full-fledged conditions for work and recreation of people.

The Head of State pays great attention to the continuity of the best traditions of national culture. The careful preservation, study and enhancement of the cultural heritage of the nation is a priority of a socially oriented state policy aimed at the prosperity of the Turkmen society, increasing its spiritual and intellectual potential.

Then, in the building of the «Türkmeniň ak öýi», the audience heard a welcoming address by the President of Turkmenistan, which emphasizes that the cultural events organized today by TURKSA in Turkmenistan and the Turkic states serve as a factor in strengthening the foundations of friendly relations.

Speaking about the significance of the current event, Secretary General of TURKSOY Sultan Raev and Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States Kubanychbek Omuraliev expressed deep gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero Arkadag for the excellent conditions created for creative exchange and special attention to the development of cultural and spiritual life of society. They expressed their conviction that all the planned events will be held at a high organizational level, will give memorable meetings and will serve the development of humanitarian cooperation between peoples.

Then a big festive concert of masters of arts of Turkmenistan and a number of Turkic-speaking countries and regions took place. The idea of a dialogue of cultures, friendship of peoples, and their creative union is the basis of the spectacular action taking place against the backdrop of the scenery.

A kind of overture of the concert was the literary and musical composition «Oguzlar ýurdunda toýdur dabara» performed jointly by the folklore ensemble «Dokmaçylar» and the creative collectives of the country, which emphasized the inextricable link between the past and the present, the great deeds of the glorious ancestors of the Turkmen and the achievements of the current era of the Turkmen state.

The program also includes folk and modern melodies and songs, choreographic and theatrical compositions reflecting the original customs and traditions of different peoples carried through the centuries and carefully preserved today. Combining into one colorful bouquet, they became a real gift for the audience, who warmly welcomed talented artists in bright national costumes.

Songs based on poems by Makhtumkuli Fraga and other Turkmen poets were performed on the stage.

Folk dances were presented on stage by choreographic groups – «Hazyna» from Kazakhstan and«Dilgir» from Kyrgyzstan. Artists from the Republics of Bashkortostan and Sakha (Yakutia) from the Russian Federation, Moldova (Gagauzia) dedicated their compositions to their native country.

Works of various genres and character, performed on national classical instruments by Turkish and Uzbek ensembles of traditional music, sounded melodically and soulfully.

The performances of the ensembles «Altyn garagöz» (Republic of Turkey) and «Buhoro mawjlari» (Uzbekistan) distinguished the magnificent vocals and brightness of folk dance.

An unusual decoration of the concert was the musical composition «Bilezik» performed jointly by the dance group «Meňli» with the artists of the dance and fashion theater «Edegeý» from the Republic of Tyva (Russian Federation).

The visual choreographic images of successive stage productions were brilliantly created by the groups «Galkynyş», «Näzli», «Laçyn», «Miras», «Serpaý», «Aşgabat», etc.

Pop singers caused a storm of vivid emotions. Through the stylistic unity of music and song, the artists conveyed to the audience the national spirit and warmth, the indestructible friendship of peoples.

The concert was distinguished by a variety of genres reflecting the rich potential of Turkmen art and the peoples of the Turkic states.

The warmth of hearts, the talent that the artists gave to the audience, found a warm response, and the use of modern technologies gave the festive concert a special brightness and originality.

At the end, the kushtdepdi dance was performed, which has come down to us from the depths of centuries. This spectacular performance highlighted the antiquity of the roots and the creative power of the creative unity of fraternal peoples.

The song«Alkyş Size, Arkadagly Gahryman Serdarymyz!» sounded a powerful final chord of the celebration performed by all participants of the festive action, which reflected the great pride of the people for the current happy era of our Motherland, striving for a bright future. In this work, the soloists and all the participants of the concert, on behalf of the Turkmen people, expressed gratitude to the head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who shows tireless and active care for ensuring a prosperous life and creative work of his native people.

The launch cultural event held today in the valley of the «Nowruz ýaýlasy» in Ak Bugday etrap was an indicator of the peoples' desire to further develop mutually enriching ties with deep historical roots and good traditions. And as the President of Turkmenistan notes, such actions, held at the international level, serve the triumph of peace, friendship and brotherhood on the planet.

As part of the cultural program, the guests of our country organized excursions to one of the outstanding monuments on the territory of the Ahal welayat – the Seyit Jemaletdin Mosque, built in the XV century, to the modern city of Arkadag, meeting international standards, and also got acquainted with other sights of the Turkmen capital and the Ahal welayat.