The business circles of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan discussed areas of cooperation


A Turkmen-Tajik business forum was held in Dushanbe, organized as part of the official visit of the National Leader of the Turkmen people to Tajikistan. The event was attended by representatives of the private sector of the two countries.

The agenda of the meeting, held in the conference hall of the National Library of Tajikistan, included priority areas of bilateral partnership, taking into account its solid potential. As it was emphasized, thanks to regular mutual visits at the highest level and mutual efforts of the parties in recent years, Turkmen-Tajik cooperation has reached qualitatively new frontiers.

The subject of an interested exchange of views was the prospects for further intensification of trade relations, increasing the volume and expanding the range of mutual trade turnover, and the implementation of joint projects. In this aspect, the significant role of business meetings and other specialized events organized on a systematic basis, which are effective mechanisms for the progressive development and diversification of bilateral cooperation, was noted.

During the forum, the possibilities of Turkmen-Tajik cooperation in various sectors, including the industrial complex, the fuel and energy sector, agriculture, transport and logistics, and investment activities were discussed. In this context, the parties' desire to increase contacts between business communities was noted.