The Head of Turkmenistan congratulated the citizens on the World Health Day


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov congratulated his compatriots on World Health Day. The message of the head of state leads TDH:

My native people!

Dear compatriots!

I cordially congratulate you on World Health Day, an international holiday celebrating the high humanistic principles of humanity! I am sure that the events held in the year "The Storehouse of the Mind of Makhtumkuli Fraga" on this occasion will fill our hearts with love and pride for our beautiful native Homeland, a healthy and happy life, and great successes achieved by the sovereign state!

In our country, World Health Day occupies a special place as a significant event, affirming the triumph of friendship and peace, sport and humanism, unity and cohesion of the people. That is why, together with the international community, we celebrate this holiday in our country with great enthusiasm during these warm spring days. In commemoration of World Health Day, we hold mass physical culture, sports and cultural events promoting a healthy lifestyle, which increases the international authority of Turkmenistan as a country of health and inspiration.

My native people!

The socio-economic potential of our sovereign state and its cultural growth are closely linked to the happy life and well-being of the people, their harmonious spiritual and physical development.

Based on lofty goals and guided by the humane mottos "The state is for man!" and "The Motherland is the Motherland only with the people! The state is a state only with the people!", we are carrying out large-scale transformations in all sectors of the national economy, reforming the spheres of science, education, healthcare, sports, culture, tourism. By providing decent social and living conditions for the people, creating beautiful villages, modern industrial complexes, we systematically strengthen the position of our state in the world.

In the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state, we pay special attention to the development of mass physical education, the Olympic movement and sports. We are successfully implementing national programs and comprehensive transformations in this direction. Our people have always taken care of the upbringing of a physically strong and spiritually rich healthy generation, and we continue this tradition with dignity.

In a short period of time, large, world-standard sports and equestrian complexes, stadiums, sports schools, an Olympic campus have been put into operation in our country, and a modern specialized infrastructure has been formed. Along with this, we have achieved great success in creating an advanced healthcare system for the welfare and happiness of the people, built medical centers, specialized clinics and health resorts based on innovative technologies in the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag, as well as in the welayats.

Our country, being a member of the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Council of Asia, makes a worthy contribution to the development of the international Olympic movement. Realizing its sporting opportunities in the name of peace and friendship, Turkmenistan systematically strengthens and increases cooperation with the international community. The V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, the International Rally "Amul–Khazar 2018", the World Weightlifting Championship and the Kurash Wrestling World Championship demonstrated to the world the enormous sporting potential of our Motherland, confidently following new high frontiers of development along the path of peace, creation and progress.

Within the framework of the comprehensive long-term and strategic state policy founded by the Hero-Arkadak, at the initiative of Turkmenistan, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a historic Resolution declaring June 3 World Bicycle Day. At the 61st plenary session of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, the Resolution "Integration of mass cycling into the public transport system to achieve sustainable development" was unanimously adopted, which filled the hearts of Turkmen people, especially young people, with a sense of joy and pride.

Of course, all these achievements are a positive result of a peaceful, neutral, good-neighborly policy in the name of universal peace and harmony, well-being and prosperity, successfully pursued by our independent State, which stands for consolidating efforts to strengthen peace and unity on the planet.

My native people!

Dear compatriots!

Once again, I wholeheartedly congratulate you on World Health Day!

And may this wonderful international holiday bring glory to independent neutral Turkmenistan, a country of health and inspiration, and multiply the rainbow colors of the happy life of our courageous people!