The French Language Olympiad has determined the best among schoolchildren


The Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azadi hosted the French Language Olympiad among students of grades IX–XI of secondary schools in Turkmenistan.

The Olympiad was held in two stages. According to the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper, during the first stage, young experts wrote an essay in an online format on the theme of this year's motto "The Storehouse of the Mind of Makhtumkuli Fragi". In their creative works, the students revealed the role played by the great classical poet Makhtumkuli Fragi in the life of the Turkmen people, the formation of their moral and moral values. The Olympiad jury has determined the authors of the 15 best works. They became participants in the final round, which took place directly in the city.

As part of the second stage of the competition, the skills of speaking in French, writing and reading were evaluated. Following the results of the competition, the names of the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad were announced.

The highest award, the Grand Prix, was awarded to a tenth–grader of the specialized school No. 43 named after Hero Atamurat Niyazov in Ashgabat, Leila Dzhumageldieva. The winner of the first place was a student of the 9th grade of secondary specialized school No. 27 in Ashgabat, Ramina Hasanova. The second and third prizes were shared by students of specialized schools No. 4 in Ashgabat and No. 10 in Dashoguz velayat – Guvanch Niyazov and Leyli Orazkulyeva, respectively.

Победители и призёры олимпиады награждены дипломами Высшей языковой школы страны, а их учителя-наставники – соответствующими сертификатами.