The purpose of the forum in Turkmenistan is interstate coordination of railway transport


The XXXVIII meeting of the Conference of Heads and Responsible Representatives of Railway Transport Enterprises of the member States of the Organization for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD) began today in the Turkmen capital.

The representative forum, held at the Yyldyz Hotel, was attended by heads and specialists of relevant departments, railway administrations from more than 20 OSJD member countries, including Turkmenistan.

The purpose of the forum is to coordinate the work of railway transport at the interstate level, ensure the technological unity of the international railway network, and coordinated infrastructure development.

The Ashgabat Forum is also marked by the 30th anniversary of the membership of the agency "Turkmendemiryollary" in this Organization.

There is a lively atmosphere in the lobby of the Yyldyz Hotel, melodies performed by Bakhshi-sazandars are heard.

The XXXVIII session of the Conference was preceded by an exhibition organized here, reflecting the rich cultural heritage and creative traditions of the Turkmen people. Examples of decorative and applied art are presented here - man–made evidence of our ancient history and rich culture.

With great enthusiasm, numerous delegates of the forum heard the welcoming address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov addressed to them, which emphasizes that Turkmenistan, located at the crossroads of Central Asia and Europe, is consistently expanding its international transit capabilities through the modernization of the material and technical base of the national transport infrastructure.

"Being a member of the Organization for Cooperation of Railways since 1994, Turkmenistan has been pursuing a coordinated transport policy, which includes the harmonious development of railway infrastructure at the national level, as well as an important area of transit international cargo transportation at the regional level," the message of the head of state emphasizes.

The agenda of the meeting includes the results of the activities of specialized commissions and permanent working groups of the Organization for 2023, the Work Program for the coming years, the expediency of developing a draft Strategy for the development of the Organization, professional training and education of employees of the railway system, etc. An interested exchange of views took place on the prospects for the development of transport and transit corridors using railways, as well as increasing cargo transportation in the region.

The welcoming speeches noted the importance of holding this event in Turkmenistan, one of the key member states of the Organization for Railway Cooperation and an important strategic partner in transportation from Europe to Asia. It was emphasized that consideration of the issues outlined on the agenda would contribute to an increase in traffic volumes and an expansion of the range of goods along the North–South and East–West transport corridors.

Chairman of the OSZhD Committee M.Antonovich noted the symbolism of the fact that the XXXVIII meeting of the Conference of Heads and Responsible Representatives of Railway Transport Enterprises of the OSZhD member countries is being held in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, which has long been a strategic hub on the Great Silk Road.

Noting the importance of Turkmenistan's active position in increasing the volume of transit traffic in the region, the speakers were unanimous in their opinion about the huge prospects opening up in connection with the cardinal reconstruction and development of its transport networks, further deepening constructive international cooperation.

Transport diplomacy occupies a special place in the peaceful foreign policy of our state, which is building bridges of friendship and partnership between countries, regions and continents.

As you know, on May 16, 2023, at the 70th plenary meeting of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly, on the initiative of Turkmenistan and with the unanimous support of the member States of the Community of Nations, a Resolution was adopted declaring November 26 as World Sustainable Transport Day. It was on this day in 2016 that the first UN Global Conference on Sustainable Transport was held in Ashgabat.

It should also be noted that on April 15 of this year, the Sustainable Development Week of the UN General Assembly begins at the UN headquarters in New York City. Our country occupies a leading position in promoting a sustainable transport system in the international arena. A high-level meeting on this topic will be held within the framework of the Week, which is attended by the delegation of Turkmenistan.

In order to highlight our country's efforts to develop transport links, achievements and initiatives in this area, and contribution to the preparation of the UN Program for the Decade of Sustainable Transport for 2026-2035, a ministerial meeting of the Friends of Sustainable Transport Group, established on the initiative of Turkmenistan, will be held on April 16 this year at the UN building.

As noted, all this is evidence of the recognition by the Community of Nations of the importance of our country's international initiatives put forward by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Khalk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and successfully implemented by the head of state Serdar Berdimuhamedov, as well as increasing the authority of an independent neutral Homeland on the world stage.

Turkmenistan's railway network, which has expanded significantly in recent years, is entering a new stage of development, and is preparing to implement a number of large-scale transport and communication projects.

Thus, on November 15-17 last year, a meeting of the heads of railway departments of the participating states of the international multimodal transport and transit route of the Countries of the Asia-Pacific region-China-Kyrgyzstan–Uzbekistan–Turkmenistan–Azerbaijan–Georgia–Turkey–Europe (CASCA+) was held in the Turkmen capital.

Currently, the CASCA+ transport corridor covers 3 regions – Central Asia – Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, the South Caucasus – Azerbaijan and Georgia, as well as Antalya – Turkey.

In 2023, our country officially joined the Agreement on the Development of the TRACECA Eurasian Transport Corridor. The purpose of the document is to develop economic relations, trade and transport links in the regions of Europe and Asia, promote international cargo transportation, ensure traffic safety, harmonize transport policy and create equal conditions for competition between individual modes of transport.

In the speeches of Turkmen specialists, it was emphasized that in the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state, when the radical modernization of the entire economy is being carried out, each branch of the national economic complex of the country solves large-scale tasks. Railway workers are also subject to high demands that affect various areas of their activities.

The forum participants expressed their intention to continue to work consistently to expand cooperation in the railway sector and strengthen trust through deepening mutual understanding with the support of the railways of the OSZhD member countries.

The participants expressed their sincere gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the hospitality provided on Turkmen soil, the creation of favorable conditions for the constructive and business work of the forum, and were unanimous in the opinion that this meeting would serve to further strengthen cooperation.

The XXXVIII meeting of heads and responsible representatives of railway transport enterprises of the OSZhD member countries will last until April 19. As part of the agenda, its participants will discuss the results of the activities for 2023 of the OSZhD Commissions for Freight and Passenger Transportation, infrastructure and rolling stock, coding and computer science, OSZhD Permanent Working Groups on Financial and Settlement Issues, the Organization's work plans for 2025, etc.

It is expected that a number of bilateral documents will be signed between the railway departments of our country and the OSJD member states, a Protocol aimed at strengthening productive cooperation between the parties in the name of universal well-being and progressive development.

Sightseeing tours and an extensive cultural program are provided for the delegates of the forum during their stay in Ashgabat.