Speech by the President of Turkmenistan at the opening ceremony of the Ashgabat–Turkmenabat highway section


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the celebrations on the occasion of the opening of the Tejen–Mary section of the Ashgabat– Turkmenabat high-speed highway.

"Dear friends!

Dear participants of the ceremony!

Today we are once again witnessing grandiose events in our sovereign Homeland. One of them is the opening ceremony of the Tejen–Mary section of the Ashgabat–Turkmenabat high–speed highway. In general, today in the city of Mary, Mary Velayat, the commissioning of the Center for Maternal and Child Health Protection, as well as an entire residential complex of 59 two–storey houses, will take place in a solemn atmosphere. In addition, about 200 modern buses will be given to the residents of the region as a gift.

Dear friends!

Dear participants of the solemn event!

I sincerely congratulate you on these wonderful events.

Dear friends!

This year, which is held under the motto "The Storehouse of the mind of Makhtumkuli Fraga", colossal reforms are being successfully implemented in independent Turkmenistan, as evidenced by the current celebration, which as an unforgettable event will go down in the annals of domestic road construction.

Dear friends!

As you know, the opening ceremony of the Ashgabat–Tejen section of the Ashgabat–Turkmenabat highway took place on October 29, 2021 with the participation of Arkadag Hero. And today, the second segment of the Ashgabat–Turkmenabat highway between Tejen and Mary is being commissioned, along which many modern facilities have been built and the necessary amenities for passengers and drivers are available. The positive dynamics in the implementation of such a large–scale project, which is observed in the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state, reflects the worthy continuity of the noble traditions of our ancestors - to build roads and build bridges.

Dear friends!

The development of modern transport corridors of the country in the East–West and North–South directions remains one of the priority goals, the success of which is largely determined by the Ashgabat–Turkmenabat high-speed highway with a length of 600 kilometers. The laying of the autobahn is another evidence of the revival of the ancient highway – the Great Silk Road – in a modern format.

The Ashgabat–Turkmenabat highway, the route of which runs through the territory of the Akhal and Mary velayats, will connect Ashgabat with the Lebap Velayat and will allow you to overcome the huge distance between the capital and the region in a very short time. It will also ensure the smooth transportation of passengers and cargo. The completion of the construction of the Ashgabat–Turkmenabat high-speed highway will provide an opportunity to significantly increase the capacity of the country's transport system and the quality of logistics services. The improvement of the transport system, in turn, will have a huge impact on the dynamics of the national economy.

Dear friends!

Turkmenistan is located at the junction of two continents, and such an advantageous location gives a huge advantage in forming an international transport and logistics corridor, integrating the domestic transport sector into the global system and building up trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties with partner countries. Therefore, we will continue to constructively engage in the construction of highways in the country and the formation of international transport corridors.

Dear friends!

Dear participants of the ceremony!

In independent Turkmenistan, great importance is attached to the protection of human health, the prevention of diseases and the establishment of the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The latest generation of technical developments and advanced achievements of medical practice in the world are being introduced into the national health care system. The Maternal and Child Health Center, which is being opened today in Mary, is a clear example of the measures we are taking in this area. The specialized institution is equipped with everything necessary to strengthen the health of mother and child. The Maternal and Child Health Center, which will become one of the main health protection facilities, will serve the population for many years.

Dear friends!

Dear participants of the ceremony!

We constantly take care of improving the social and living conditions of our compatriots, modern comfortable residential buildings are being built and put into operation. In a complex of 59 two-storey houses built in the city of Mary, Mary Velayat, all amenities have been created for citizens. We will continue to work to improve the standard of living of the population and provide them with housing.

Dear friends!

Dear participants of the ceremony!

Once again, I sincerely congratulate everyone on the grandiose events taking place these days of the year "The Storehouse of the Mind of Makhtumkuli Fraga" – the opening of the Tejen–Mary section of the Ashgabat–Turkmenabat high-speed highway, the Center for Maternal and Child Health, a new residential area in the city of Mary, as well as the transfer of modern buses as a gift to residents of the region.

I wish you good health, a happy peaceful life and great success in your work!" reads the Address of the President of Turkmenistan on the occasion of the commissioning of the Tejen–Mary section of the Ashgabat–Turkmenabat high–speed highway.