The President of Turkmenistan gave instructions on the timely conduct of agricultural work in the fields


President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a digital workshop with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister T.Atakhalliev, who oversees the agricultural sector, and khakimov velayats. The course of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the regions of the country was on the agenda.

As it was noted, the cotton sowing campaign and vegetation irrigation are continuing in the agricultural regions of the country. Row-to-row processing, thinning and weeding are carried out in the fields where seedlings have appeared. Special attention is paid to the effective use of agricultural machinery and aggregates.

Wheat crops are being cared for in the fields of the regions. In parallel, the necessary measures are being taken to prepare for the harvest – reception points, elevators, combine harvesters and vehicles for transporting grain.

In order to ensure food abundance in the country and increase the volume of potatoes and vegetable crops grown, planting and care of crops in accordance with agrotechnical standards continues on the agricultural lands of the velayats.

In order to increase cocoon production and organize this campaign, silkworm care is currently continuing in the regions of the country.

After hearing the report, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed the importance of carrying out current agricultural work in the fields of the velayats at the proper level, in particular cotton sowing, proper and timely care of wheat.

Instructions were also given to ensure unflagging control over the care of winter crops.