Challenges and solutions for sustainable energy are considered during the international conference


More than 70 delegates from Turkmenistan, the European Union and Central Asian countries gathered at the International Conference "Climate Change – Challenges and Solutions for Sustainable Energy" to share their experience in implementing sustainable energy policy in practice.

The conference was held within the framework of the campaign "European Union – Turkmenistan: Sustainable Energy Days" and was organized jointly by the Ministry of Energy, the Turkmenbashi City Administration, the EU within the framework of the project "Sustainable Energy Links in Central Asia (SECCA)" and the UN Development Program project "Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated Development of Green Cities in Ashgabat and Avaza".

The event brought together energy experts, politicians, researchers, representatives of civil society, international organizations and international financial institutions. The current forum is focused on practical actions, the exchange of experience and best practices, including on the basis of lessons learned by EU Member States and Contracting Parties of the Energy Community.

Addressing the participants of the conference, the representative of the Ministry of Energy, Enejan Kakayeva, said:

"Sustainable energy is one of the driving forces of economic development, the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and plays a huge role in mitigating the effects of climate change. To achieve the goals of the Agenda, it is necessary to ensure the rational use of natural resources, develop sustainable production and consumption patterns, and create a sustainable energy infrastructure. The adoption of the new Law of Turkmenistan "On Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency" is a decisive step towards ensuring sustainable energy. During the development of this law, the EU SECCA project, together with the UNDP Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan project, assisted the Ministry of Energy, in particular, technical support was provided in studying international best practices to promote energy conservation and energy efficiency."

The EU Ambassador to Turkmenistan, Beata Peksa, reiterated the EU's support and said in her speech:

"In order to solve the problems caused by climate change and support the well-being of current and future generations, the transition to sustainable energy is not only desirable, but also necessary. The European Union welcomes the multifaceted approach of the Government of Turkmenistan to promoting sustainable energy through policy reforms, energy efficiency improvements and the development of international partnerships. Let me take this opportunity to reaffirm the EU's commitment to accelerating a fair energy transition in Turkmenistan."

The conference participants reviewed the evolution of the EU's climate change mitigation policy and the practical application of EU best practices in Central Asia. They discussed European and international experience in improving energy efficiency in buildings and industrial facilities, as well as comprehensive solutions for promoting renewable energy.

In addition to the Conference, within the framework of the EU Sustainable Energy Days, Turkmenistan hosted a series of lectures for students of higher educational institutions in Ashgabat and Turkmenbashi, as well as an environmental event for schoolchildren and an award ceremony for the most energy efficient school in Turkmenbashi.