The results of the work of the branches of the national economy for the four months of this year have been summarized


On April 3, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the digital system, at which the results of the work carried out in the sectors of the economy over the four months of this year were reviewed, as well as a number of other issues were discussed. This is reported by the news program "Watan".

The first speaker was the Chairman of the Mejlis D.Gulmanova, who informed about the results of the activities carried out in January-April 2024.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H.Geldimyradov, reporting on macroeconomic indicators for the four months of this year, said that the GDP growth rate was 6.3 percent.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Amanov reported on the measures taken to increase oil and gas production over the specified period.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atakhalliyev reported on the results of the work done in the supervised industry in January-April of this year, and seasonal agricultural campaigns conducted in the velayats.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Annamammedov reported on the results of the activities of the construction and industrial sectors in January-April 2024.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Atdaev, who then spoke, reported on the achieved indicators in the accountable ministries and departments, as well as in the business sector for four months of this year.

Then, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.Mammadova reported on the results of the activities of institutions in the supervised sphere for January-April of this year.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan N.Amannepesov reported on the work done in January-April this year in such areas as education, science, healthcare and sports.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported on the results of the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for January-April.

Further, the Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers, M. M., reported on the results of the activities of subordinate institutions for four months.Chakyev.

Addressing the participants of the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan stated that the results of the work carried out in the four months of this year in the independent Fatherland demonstrate the success of the programs being implemented. Thus, in the period under review, the GDP growth rate was 6.3 percent. This indicator reached 3.7 percent in the industrial sector, 7.2 percent in the transport and communications sector, 8 percent in the service sector, 8.2 percent in the shopping complex, 5.8 percent in construction, and 5 percent in agriculture.

As it was emphasized, the construction of large industrial and social facilities continues in the country, including new settlements, residential buildings, entertainment and wellness centers, schools, kindergartens and other structures.

The opening ceremonies of numerous facilities and a number of international events will take place this month of the year "The Storehouse of the Mind of Makhtumkuli Fraga", the head of state continued. Among the upcoming major celebrations are the international forum dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great thinker of the East and classical poet Makhtumkuli Fragi and the international scientific and practical conference "Pähim-paýhas ummany Magtymguly Pyragy". In this context, it was instructed to ensure a high level of implementation of upcoming events.

In the near future, summer holidays for school students and work holidays for citizens are coming, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, instructing all responsible managers to properly approach the work on preparing recreation areas for the summer season, in particular hotels, entertainment and wellness centers in Avaza, sanatoriums, children's recreation centers in velayats and the city of Ashgabat.

During the meeting, other important issues of public life were also considered, on which appropriate decisions were made.