The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting on the digital system


President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting on the digital system with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T.Atakhalliev, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, and khakimov velayats, at which the progress of seasonal agricultural work in the country was reviewed.

As reported, cotton growers use all the opportunities created by the state to increase their labor productivity.

Wheat is being cared for in the fields of the velayats, in particular, vegetation irrigation.

To organize the cocoon production season, silkworm care is currently continuing in the regions of the country, and cocoons are also being harvested in the Lebap and Mary velayats.

Addressing the participants of the workshop, the President of Turkmenistan, once again focusing on the importance of timely and high-quality seasonal agricultural work, gave specific instructions. The Head of state also instructed to take all measures to prepare for the organized wheat harvest.

Addressing the participants of the workshop, the President of Turkmenistan, once again focusing on the importance of timely and high-quality seasonal agricultural work, gave specific instructions. The Head of state also instructed to take all measures to prepare for the organized wheat harvest.