The President of Turkmenistan has left on a working visit to the Russian Federation


On May 8 in the afternoon, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov left for a working visit to the Russian Federation, where, at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, he will take part as an honorary guest in the celebrations in honor of the 79th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

At the capital's International Airport, the head of state was escorted by officials.

This visit of the President of the country to the Russian Federation is another step towards the progressive development of constructive interstate relations, which in the modern era have been given a new impetus and content.

One of the unforgettable, main pages of the joint history is the war of 1941 – 1945. The great feat, courage, and unprecedented heroism shown at the front and in the rear during the harsh war years have forever remained in the memory of our peoples. May 9 – Victory Day is truly a historically significant event uniting the peoples of the CIS.

In this context, the constant participation of the President of Turkmenistan in the celebrations on the occasion of the Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War, including the current ones, is deeply symbolic. At the same time, this is a reflection of respect for the common feat of the liberating heroes, whose memory will live forever.

The Turkmen people have made a worthy contribution to the Great Victory won in fierce battles for their Homeland. His brave sons, shoulder to shoulder with representatives of other fraternal peoples, did not spare themselves, heroically fought on the fronts, in partisan detachments, selflessly worked in the rear. To this day, the valiant military feat of our countrymen in those harsh years remains for all of us a true example of love for the Fatherland, honor and loyalty to duty.