Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty congratulated the President of Turkmenistan on the Day of the Constitution and the National Flag


The national Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sent heartfelt congratulations to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the occasion of the Constitution Day and the State Flag of Turkmenistan celebrated today, TDH writes.

The message, in particular, says:

"Dear President of Turkmenistan,

On behalf of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Constitution and the State Flag of Turkmenistan, which is celebrated with great enthusiasm in the year "The Storehouse of the Mind of Magtymguly Pyragy"!

I wish you good health, longevity and success in responsible activities aimed at bringing the Fatherland to new heights of development, increasing the country's international prestige, and ensuring a prosperous and happy life for the people.

Dear President,

Under your leadership, in the year "The Storehouse of Reason of Magtymguly Pyragyi", based on the principles of humanism of the Basic Law guaranteeing the protection of human rights and freedoms recognized as the highest value of society and the state, under the green Banner, which has become national pride, the new historical period of Turkmenistan is marked by great initiatives and modern transformations.

Today, our independent, permanently neutral country, following the will of our ancestors to live in harmony, peace and tranquility, protect national values and interests, guarantee the rights and freedoms of every citizen, ensure peace and unity in society, strengthen the foundations of people's power and the rule of law, embodies these principles based on the Constitution of our country.

Dear President,

Under your wise leadership, amendments and additions were made to the Constitution of Turkmenistan in a new historical period, and the creation of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan is of historical importance in strengthening the foundation of stability and the legislative and legal foundations of the state, in improving public administration. These constitutional reforms aimed at improving the constitutional structure of the country, decentralizing people's power and creating reliable legal foundations for the successful implementation of large-scale programs have strengthened the country's international authority as a State with a developed legal and political system.

Dear Arkadagly Hero Serdar!

Through your efforts, the historical days of the Renaissance era of a new era of a powerful state filled with transformations – the opening of the Magtymguly Pyragy cultural and park complex and the statue of Magtymguly Pyragy in the foothills of Kopetdag, the reconstructed Main Flag Square in the city of Ashgabat, the highly organized holding of various festive events and meetings together with the international community – are a vivid symbol of our happy period and the dynamic development of the country.

As a result of your foreign policy principles aimed at strengthening effective regional and international cooperation, security and sustainable development, as well as positive initiatives to develop parliamentary relations, Turkmenistan has become a center of peace, brotherhood and friendship. The Green Banner, proudly flying in front of the United Nations General Assembly building, glorifies Turkmenistan's permanent neutrality, peace-loving policy and active role in the international arena.

Dear President,

The Basic Law of Turkmenistan acts as a solid legal basis for the socio-economic reforms carried out under your leadership, and is aimed at the prosperity and development of the Motherland, ensuring a happy and prosperous life of the people.

The main goal of responsible activities carried out to ensure the glorious future of our people in the country is to ensure a happy and prosperous life for every person in prosperous Turkmenistan, creative work in the name of increasing the power of the native Motherland, creating a solid political, socio-economic foundation for a reliable future for young generations. I firmly believe that these great undertakings will always be successful.

Dear President,

Once again, on behalf of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, I wholeheartedly congratulate you on the Day of the Constitution of Turkmenistan and the State Flag of Turkmenistan.

I wish you good health, longevity and success in your universal endeavors in the interests of the people and the country."