The world's first 6G antenna has been created


Scientists have created the world's first 6G antenna. The peculiarity of the antenna is its ability to provide data transfer speeds several thousand times higher than the capabilities of 5G.

One of the areas where the sixth generation of mobile communications will be used, the introduction of which is expected in 2028, will be the creation of realistic holograms for communication between people. Imagine video calls where you can not only see the interlocutor, but also feel his presence thanks to a three-dimensional image.

Commercial implementation of this technology will be possible after 2030.

The main difference between 6G and 5G networks is the data transfer rate. If in 5G networks it ranges from 1 Gbit/s to 10 Gbit/s, then in 6G networks data can be transmitted 100 times faster — from 1 Tbit/s.

Another advantage of the sixth generation is the increased capacity. Nowadays, there are more and more items connected to the Internet — the Internet of things, from car alarms to smart sockets and kettles. When more and more such devices appear, including on an industrial scale, it is the 6G standard that will allow the system to function smoothly.