The Head of Turkmenistan addressed the participants of the exhibition of carpets and carpet products


An exhibition of carpets and carpet products will start in Ashgabat today, as well as the XXIV meeting of the World Association of Connoisseurs of Turkmen Carpet on the occasion of the Turkmen Carpet Holiday, the State News Agency of Turkmenistan reports. On this occasion, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov sent an appeal to the participants of the celebrations, the State News Agency of Turkmenistan reports.

"I cordially congratulate you on the start of the exhibition of carpets and carpet products, as well as the XXIV meeting of the World Association of Connoisseurs of Turkmen Carpet, held on the occasion of the Turkmen Carpet Holiday – our national pride, eternal art!

The magnificent Turkmen carpet, created by the talent and wisdom of a Turkmen woman, which amazed the world with its filigree, color scheme with thousands of shades, naturalness, beautiful harmony of colors, is an example of beauty that has become a treasure trove of universal civilization.

Carpets, which have been improved over the centuries, have turned into an integral value of Turkmen life with their unique national characteristics, have become an ornament of our homes, hearth, pride of our soul, recognized all over the world and included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Mankind of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), are a wonderful symbol the eternity of art.

Dear participants of the exhibition and the meeting!

Dear carpet makers!

The Turkmen carpet is an ancient art of our people, it embodies the spiritual values of the nation. The carpet, which imprinted in its patterns, ornaments, female love, worldview and heartfelt dreams, gives us an idea of the basics of the mentality of our ancestors.

Our carpets, striking everyone with their subtlety, sophistication, silky softness, sparkling color palette and dazzling beauty, embody all the wonderful qualities of our people, their national characteristics, inexhaustible love for their language, art, noble traditions and customs.

The placement of Turkmen carpet ornaments on state symbols is a sign of loyalty to the precepts of our ancestors, following the unique traditions of the courageous people, preserving their national characteristics, worldview, character and spirit, and a symbol of their further prosperity.

Dear carpet makers and carpet connoisseurs!

Dear guests!

In the era of the Renaissance of a new era of a powerful state, special attention is paid to the development of the carpet weaving of our people, which is famous in the world of art. Important conditions are being created for the popularization and consistent improvement of this beautiful art, the creation of new carpet samples, the preservation and revival of the original original carpets. New enterprises of artistic carpet-making are being put into operation, in which all the necessary conditions have been created for the creative work and recreation of our carpet-makers.

In the year "The Storehouse of the Mind of Magtumguly Pragy", international exhibitions, fairs and conferences are regularly held in the country. The XXIV meeting of the World Association of Connoisseurs of Turkmen Carpet, as well as the exhibition of carpets and carpet products clearly demonstrate the high achievements in the carpet industry of the country, the diversity of the unique art of our craftsmen.

Dear participants of the exhibition and the meeting!

Dear carpet makers!

Once again, I cordially congratulate you on the Holiday of the Turkmen carpet – the decoration of our festivities and the symbol of the sanctity of our hearths, as well as the beginning of the work of the exhibition of carpets and carpet products and the XXIV meeting of the World Association of Connoisseurs of the Turkmen Carpet held on the occasion of this holiday!

I wish you good health, a peaceful, prosperous, happy life, and great success in your work for the development and popularization of our carpet art in the world!

May the sonorous rhythms of the gifts of our skilled carpet makers always sound high!"