Turkmenaragatnashyk and jd.com discuss the future of technological cooperation: business meetings continue at the turkmentel-2023 forum


Today, November 10, within the framework of the XVI International Exhibition and Scientific Conference TURKMENTEL-2023, representatives of the Turkmenaragatnashyk agency of the Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, headed by Chairman Khadzhymyrat Khudaygulyev, met with a delegation of the Chinese company JD.com Incorporation. This meeting became a landmark moment for both parties, providing an opportunity to discuss prospects for cooperation and exchange views on the development of telecommunications and information technologies. During the meeting, potential areas of joint activity were discussed, including the introduction of e-commerce and modern technologies in the telecommunications sector. Representatives of Turkmenaragatnashyk expressed interest in the advanced solutions that JD.com can offer in the field of e-commerce and digital technologies. During the conversation, the importance of such meetings and establishing cooperation with major players such as JD.com was noted, which has great prospects for the development of the telecommunications and information sectors in Turkmenistan. It is expected that the results of these negotiations will lead to a deepening of the partnership between the parties and will open up new prospects for the development of cooperation in e-commerce and technology.