The International Kids Expo Exhibition and Fair will open in Ashgabat on August 19


The opening of the International Exhibition and Fair "Kids Expo: everything for children!" will take place in Ashgabat on August 19.

Deputy Prime Minister B.Atdayev reported on the preparations for the large-scale exposition at a Government meeting on Friday.

It was reported that the exhibition will feature high-quality, environmentally friendly products for children, schoolchildren and students, educational materials, electronic goods from domestic and foreign companies.

Along with this, it is planned to organize presentations of innovative developments from well-known companies specializing in this area, which will facilitate the exchange of experience, as well as familiarization with new products in this area.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that it is necessary to ensure the participation of leading domestic and foreign producers in the fair for children. The Deputy Prime Minister was instructed to prepare properly for the organization of this international forum, TDH reports.