The President of Turkmenistan took a bike ride through the Avaza National Tourist Zone


President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who is on a labor leave, took a bike ride along the Avaza National Tourist Zone on the Caspian coast.

Currently, Turkmenistan attaches special importance to the establishment of healthy lifestyle principles in society. In this regard, targeted measures are being implemented to protect people's health, harmoniously develop the younger generation, and provide conditions for comfortable and healthy recreation for citizens, especially during their labor leave. All this is one of the priorities of the socially oriented policy successfully implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, which is based on the motto "The state is for people!" proclaimed by Hero Arkadag.

In the morning, the head of Turkmenistan went to the coast. In summer at this time of day in NTZ "Avaza" - a favorable climate, largely due to the coolness from the sea and the river "Avaza" in combination with green parks and forest areas, the territory of which has significantly expanded over the past time. At the same time, the measures taken have significantly improved the ecology of the coastal region.

A walk along the sea on a bicycle, especially at dawn, has a positive effect on well-being due to physical activity, strengthens the body and gives vigor. The bicycle is recognized as an environmentally friendly and convenient means of transportation, and thanks to the successful implementation of the initiatives of Hero-Arkadag to stimulate and popularize cycling in Turkmenistan, mass bike rides are regularly held on the occasion of significant dates.

At the suggestion of Turkmenistan, the UN General Assembly proclaimed

June 3 as World Bicycle Day, which is celebrated annually, which clearly demonstrates the relevance of the initiatives put forward by our country for the world community.

It should also be noted that in March 2022, the UN General Assembly adopted the Resolution "Integration of mass cycling into public transport to achieve sustainable development" proposed by Turkmenistan.

All this is clear evidence of the recognition by the international community of the significant contribution of our country to the development of the physical culture, health and sports movement, improvement of the environmental culture of society, achievement of the SDGs at the national, regional and global levels.

Recall that the Guinness Book of Records included "The largest educational lesson on cycling in the world" and "The longest regular bike ride", which took place in Ashgabat in 2018 and 2019, respectively.

As for cycling, it plays a key role in popularizing the physical culture and health movement and affirming the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The weather and climate conditions and the existing infrastructure make it possible to hold cycling competitions and training camps in our country almost all year round. Bike rides are one of the most popular forms of socially significant events held in many countries around the world in support of various social, sports and environmental projects and ideas. With the active support of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, this sport is actively developing, and significant efforts are being made to popularize mass bike rides.

During a bike ride, the head of state inspected the beauty of a world-class tourist zone located on the Caspian coast. The favorable climate and the presence of a modern resort and recreational system offering high-class services have significantly increased the popularity of NTZ Avaza.

Physical education and sports, active recreation, including bike rides, give energy for new achievements, stimulating great achievements. And in this aspect, cycling is optimal, since it allows you to spend your leisure time with benefit for the body.

Science has proven that cycling increases the endurance and performance of the human body, strengthens joints and muscles, as well as the nervous system, due to moderate physical activity. Cycling and cycling help stabilize blood pressure, reduce the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases, optimize energy metabolism, improve immunity, and provide a long-lasting boost of energy. Rhythmic pedaling stimulates cerebral circulation, which serves as a good workout for the vestibular apparatus and improves concentration. Hero Arkadag, who as a doctor attaches particular importance to a healthy lifestyle, demonstrated by personal example the enormous benefits of such walks, thanks to which a good tradition was established - bike rides. Under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a supporter of active recreation, the bike events initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people are gaining an increasing number of followers.

At the same time, large-scale measures are being taken in Turkmenistan today to maintain environmental well-being, implement the National Forest Program, protect unique flora and fauna, and protect and study the biodiversity of the Caspian basin. Cycling, as well as the use of bicycles as a means of transport, play a significant role in solving the problems in this area, which in the long term has a positive effect on the environment and contributes to the greening of public life in general. in many countries of the world in support of various social, sports and environmental projects and ideas. With the active support of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, this sport is actively developing, and significant efforts are being made to popularize mass bike rides.