The President of Turkmenistan has changed the leadership of the Mari Velayat


The President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, dismissed the hakims of several etraps of the Mary Velayat and the city of Mary, appointing new leaders to their dream. The relevant decrees of the head of state dated August 16, TDH reports.

According to the decrees of the President of Turkmenistan:

Amanmuradov Kakamyrad was dismissed from the post of the mayor of Mary city of Mary velayat as "unable to cope with his duties." Sariyev Kakageldi Atajanovich was appointed in his place.

Amanov Govshutmurat Muhammetberdiyevich was dismissed from the post of hakim of the Vekilbazar etrap of the Mary Velayat as "unable to cope with the assigned duties." Atamyradov Dayanch was appointed in his place.

Gokcheyev Begmyrat Yagshymyradovich was dismissed from the post of hakim of Tagtabazar etrap of Mary velayat as "unable to cope with the assigned duties." Ashirov Muhammetserdar Charymyradovich was appointed in his place.