To the participants of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of Turkmenistan on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the country's independence.


Dear participants of the exhibition!

Dear guests!

I wholeheartedly congratulate you on the commencement of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of Turkmenistan, which is held in commemoration of the 33rd anniversary of independence in the year celebrated under the motto 'The Treasury of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy,' the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state!

I am confident that the extensive exposition will vividly showcase the grand successes of the national economy and the overall growth dynamics of our Motherland during the years of sovereign development.

Today, Turkmenistan is known as a rapidly developing state based on advanced technologies and innovations, where large-scale initiatives are successfully implemented for the happy life of compatriots, in the interests of regional and global progress. Our initiatives receive great support on the international stage, enhancing the authority of our neutral Motherland in the world.

The main goal of the state policy of the country is the sustainable development of the national economy, the scaling of market reforms, and the improvement of the population's living standards. In this regard, effective work is being carried out for the full implementation of long-term programs, diversification of economic growth, and rational and comprehensive use of natural resources. Significant successes have been achieved in expanding import-substituting and export-oriented productions, and in the introduction of innovations and digital technologies.

Dear friends!

Dear guests!

Analyzing the reforms carried out in the country during the years of glorious independence of the Motherland, we can confidently state that every day and month on the path of sovereign development is marked by truly grand events. This is fully evidenced by the successful implementation of large-scale state programs for industrialization, agricultural reform, increasing export potential, and technological modernization of the sectors of our country's economy, as well as very large international projects. Our Motherland has joined the ranks of space-faring nations, and new villages and cities are being built. All this is the result of our targeted efforts to improve the living standards and well-being of the people.

This large-scale exhibition will not only highlight the successes and achievements of the sovereign Motherland but also provide a detailed presentation of the latest projects and proposals that will serve as a launching pad for future achievements. Thus, the sustainable economic base formed during the years of independence is a reliable guarantee of our country's development in the future.

We will continue our efforts to maintain the confident advancement of our state on the path of reforms and fully implement the policy of turning our sovereign Motherland into one of the leading countries in the world. Successes in this endeavor vividly demonstrate the power and socio-economic achievements of the Motherland, the unity, and cohesion of our people.

Dear compatriots!

Dear guests!

Once again, I wholeheartedly congratulate you on the opening of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of Turkmenistan, dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of our Motherland's independence!

I wish you good health, long life, and new achievements for the prosperity of the Motherland!

President of Turkmenistan
Serdar Berdimuhamedov.