Speech by the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the meeting of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan


Dear participants of the Halk Maslahaty meeting!

Dear compatriots!

In a few days, we will celebrate the 33rd anniversary of the sacred independence of the sovereign Fatherland at a high level.

Independence is the recognition of our native people and beloved Motherland throughout the world. The bright path of all achievements and prosperity.

Dear compatriots!

The radical changes carried out in the country under the leadership of the President of independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov are distinguished by their scale and innovation. These reforms cover all spheres of state and public life.

Every citizen of the country lives with great love for his native Fatherland and works hard. The state serves the person, and the person serves the state in the name of well-being, happiness, prosperity, which demonstrates the triumph of the activities carried out on the basis of the doctrine "The state is for the person!" Such programs as "Revival of a new era of a powerful state: National program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052", "Program of the President of Turkmenistan for socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028 and the National Rural Program, "Program of socio-economic development of the country and investments in 2024", as well as the Work Plan and activities in the main areas of activity of the Halk Maslahaty, planned for implementation this year jointly with the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, ministries, industry departments and public associations, and other programs are being successfully implemented. The economic power of our state is increasing, international authority is strengthening, and the social and living conditions of the people are improving. I am firmly convinced that under the leadership of President Arkadagly Hero Serdar, the year held under the motto "The Treasury of the Mind of Magtymguly Pragy" will go down in history as a year marked by political, economic, cultural achievements and significant events.

Dear participants of the meeting!

The Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan actively participates in resolving issues of national importance, further strengthening the unity and cohesion of the people, and carries out relevant work to promote the comprehensive development of an independent, permanently neutral state.

This principle of people's democracy occupies a worthy place in the socio-political life of our country. And the patriotism of citizens, the unshakable unity of the government and the people are the foundation of state life and the basis of perfect social relations. In this context, efforts are being made to further strengthen the relationship between the government and the people, the state and society.

In this regard, great importance is attached to the activities of the Council of Elders created under the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan.

The work carried out at the local level by the members of the Council of Elders on education, propaganda, support of the younger generation, events organized with rural workers, contribute to strengthening unity, national integrity, and the formation of patriotic descendants.

Wise elders, mothers, whose labor path serves as an example, are the pride of the people. We have great respect for our older generation, which calls on us to love our native Fatherland, respect our parents and live honestly.

Esteemed participants of the meeting!

Today, the dreams of the great poet and thinker Magtymguly Pragy about an independent state have come true. We have the good fortune to live and create in a peaceful, prosperous and powerful country, where the high and noble dreams of our ancestors have come true.

In the future, we will carry out more large-scale work, build powerful enterprises, production centers, new modern cities, towns and villages. We will significantly improve the appearance of our Fatherland.

Thanks to the hard work of our people, we will achieve prosperity for our society and increase the country's authority as an economically powerful state.

The high indicators of the current year testify to the correctness of the well-thought-out domestic and foreign policy implemented by the head of state.

During meetings with people of different professions during working trips to the velayats, the main issue I emphasize is the importance of strengthening the unity of the people and the further prosperity of the country.

Harmony, calmness and hard work are the basis for the success of our native land. The future of a state with such a people is bright and great!

Dear participants of the meeting!

Economic growth is a key factor in the sustainable advancement of any country. I would like to note with particular pride that our economic achievements are aimed at further improving the social and living standards of our people.

In this context, I consider the following to be the main features of economic development and the power of the state:

– high per capita income;
– high labor productivity in all sectors;
– high rates of economic reforms;
- high level of human capital and scientific and technological achievements;
- competitiveness in the global market.

Based on this, the main task for all of us is the further socio-economic development of the country and the enhancement of the international authority of a neutral state.

Dear people!

The development of our independent state and united society is closely linked to science, education and culture.

On the first day of golden autumn – the Day of Knowledge and Student Youth, new modern secondary schools and kindergartens were ceremonially opened in our country. On behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, 155,641 students admitted to the first grade were presented with domestically produced computers.

Based on the “Concept for Improving the Methodology of Teaching General Education Programs in Turkmenistan until 2028”, the modernization of educational activities in accordance with international standards was launched.

I believe that it will be appropriate if in the future modern educational institutions are built in our country, technology centers are created in priority areas of science and innovation.

I am confident that the opening of joint higher education institutions or branches of universities included in the ranking of the world's leading educational institutions will be significant both for our youth and for society.

Dear participants of the meeting!

We also face major challenges in implementing the state youth policy.

In this regard, I consider it important to:

– increase the number of preschool institutions and secondary comprehensive schools;
– improve work with children with disabilities, improve the qualifications of teachers working with them;
– develop an advanced methodology for scientific, educational and industrial interaction in higher education institutions;
– carry out appropriate work to perpetuate monuments to our outstanding personalities to educate the younger generation in the spirit of pride in national values, customs and traditions, based on our humane principles;
– fundamentally study and scientifically argue, based on a new theory, culture, literature and glorious history, originating from the depths of millennia;
– to strengthen the position of the city of Arkadag as a world center of science and education, creating here an international research center for the popularization and study of the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary history of Turkmenistan, archaeological, architectural monuments, and the implemented state policy.

Dear people!

The new era requires the expansion of the reforms being implemented, the increase in the educational potential of our society. In this context, I propose to hold meetings by the end of this year on the issues of improving the spheres of science, education and culture, and the state youth policy.

Dear participants of the meeting!

The creation within the framework of the adopted programs in the vicinity of the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag, in the velayats of forest zones, the National Tourist Zone "Avaza" on the Caspian coast, the construction of the Turkmen Lake "Altyn Asyr" in the center of the Karakum Desert, and other work carried out to ensure environmental safety serve as a clear confirmation of the great importance attached in our country to environmental protection, turning cities and villages into a flourishing oasis.

The state carries out targeted work in this area, effectively interacts with international organizations. In the future, we must continue this activity at an accelerated pace.

Dear people!

The transformations carried out in the sectors of the economy contribute to improving employment.

In this regard, I consider it necessary to adopt the Concept of Development of the Labor Market of Turkmenistan until 2030. In my opinion, this Concept will be an important step in expanding cooperation in the field of employment with international organizations, foreign countries, in particular, in joining the conventions of the International Labor Organization.

The development of the financial market, the introduction of new types and methods of entrepreneurship are also a requirement of the time. The monetary, foreign exchange, financial and tax-budget systems are consistently improving, which are a solid foundation for the socio-economic development of the country.

Domestic entrepreneurs are doing a great job of producing high-quality, competitive products, strengthening food security, building modern industrial enterprises, cities and villages.

In this regard, I consider one of the important tasks to be the adoption of the Strategy for the Development of the Financial Market until 2030, as well as the National Program for Supporting Small and Medium-Sized Entrepreneurship, which will mark the beginning of a new stage of the dynamic development of our country.

Dear participants of the meeting!

I propose to submit for consideration of the meeting of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, which will be held next year, draft Strategies for the country's development in 2026-2052 in the following areas:

– foreign economic activity;
– public-private partnership;
– digital economy;
– transport diplomacy;
– cultural diplomacy;
– scientific and medical diplomacy;
– higher education

as well as the draft Concept of the Development of the Intellectual Property System and the Program for the Support and Development of Physical Culture and Sports until 2030.

Dear compatriots!

In the future, in 2025, we will widely celebrate a significant date at the international level - the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan's permanent neutrality.

As you know, at the 63rd plenary meeting of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, at the initiative of Turkmenistan, 2025 was proclaimed the "International Year of Peace and Trust".

In this regard, we believe that in the International Year of Peace and Trust, also marked by the 30th anniversary of the permanent neutrality of our independent state, the global task is to strengthen cooperation and mutual understanding on the planet.

Neutrality is a doctrine that illuminates our undertakings at the global level, calling on peoples to peace and cooperation, friendship and brotherhood, unity, promoting humanism.

This doctrine gives energy to our people to reach new frontiers, creating and building in the name of the great future of our native Fatherland.

Over the past 30 years, our neutral state, having accumulated rich experience in this area, has become a center of harmony and friendship.

Based on the legal status of neutrality, our country as a responsible member of the world community and in the future, based on the philosophy of "Dialogue is a guarantee of peace", will make a worthy contribution to the development of international relations!!!

Dear people!

The socio-political events held are of great importance, inspiring the courageous people to great achievements and contributing to the strengthening of unity.

In this regard, it is necessary to continue the coordinated activities of the Halk Maslahaty and the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, ministries and industry departments, hakimliks, political parties, public associations to inspire our citizens to new successes. Our main task is to direct the inexhaustible energy of the people to the further prosperity of the country.

Dear compatriots!

Currently, work is underway to develop the city of Arkadag, to build its second stage.

Great importance is attached to the establishment of healthy lifestyle principles in the country, including the city of Arkadag, and to ensuring that industrial and production facilities meet high environmental requirements.

The work carried out in the city by the "Arkadag Medisina Klasteri Menejment" enterprise is evidence of this. The great initiatives being implemented are aimed at ensuring a happy future for citizens, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

In March of this year, the third anniversary of the establishment of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care, committed to humane values, was solemnly celebrated.

The health of many children in our independent country has been restored at the expense of the Foundation. In the future, this work, for which there are sufficient funds, will be continued.

Caring for the happy descendants of our native Fatherland is caring for our great and bright future. The work carried out in this direction is of great importance in strengthening the solid foundation of a happy life for the current and future generations of Turkmen citizens.

The high assessment of the Fund's activities at the international level is a clear confirmation of the fact that our country has accumulated exemplary experience in supporting and treating children kindly, and the successful implementation of the humane policy of an independent state.

Dear participants of the Halk Maslahaty!

The Motherland is sacred, and the work carried out in its name is also sacred.

In this context, we must approach every task with soul, designed to contribute to increasing the authority of the sovereign Fatherland and developing it with the speed of a horse. Working with inspiration, together we must implement large-scale undertakings that will elevate our native Fatherland!

Dear compatriots!

In conclusion of my speech, I wish you and your native people good health, a happy and prosperous life!