Turkmenistan celebrates Diplomatic Workers' Day


On February 18, Turkmenistan celebrates the Day of Diplomatic Workers. This holiday is a tribute to everyone who, by the nature of their activities, is responsible for the foreign policy of Turkmenistan and maintaining a positive image of the country on the world stage.

Over the years of independence, Turkmenistan has formed an effective foreign policy based on the principles of permanent neutrality and openness to international cooperation. Thanks to its successful implementation, the country's diplomacy in a short period of time reached a qualitatively new level and demonstrated its ability to solve important global problems in the interests of peace and sustainable development.

“Today, the diplomatic service, as an attribute of the state apparatus, performs strategic functions to ensure peace and security in the country, develop favorable conditions for internal development, maintain an atmosphere of friendship and good neighborliness, and interstate partnership,” President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized in his congratulatory message to diplomatic workers.

On the Day of Diplomatic Workers, the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan traditionally hosts a solemn conference dedicated to this professional holiday. The event is attended by heads and employees of the diplomatic service of Turkmenistan, diplomatic missions and representative offices of international organizations working in Turkmenistan, teachers and students of higher educational institutions.

The conference discusses current issues on the global agenda and the role of Turkmenistan in the formation of a fair system of international relations. Particular attention is paid to the country’s foreign policy philosophy – “Dialogue is a guarantee of peace”, designed to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation between peoples.