Ministry of Transport - about the reform of KTZ: we will create a national operator for railway infrastructure


The first stage is supposed to create a separate legal entity within KTZ, but there is no focus on attracting private investment, the Senate Chairman scolded the minister.

According to Senator Evgeniy Bolgert, the process of creating or separating a national infrastructure operator from the KTZ structure is constantly being postponed, delayed and postponed.

“As a result, some of the important functions for infrastructure development are carried out today by the national cargo carrier, which, in fact, is unusual for this company, since it is in a competitive environment. In this regard, unequal conditions are created for other participants in the transportation process. In this regard My question is: when and whether a national infrastructure operator will be created?" – asked the deputy.

To this, the Minister of Transport Marat Karabaev replied that now the main railway networks are under the jurisdiction of freight transport.

"We assume that the first stage is to create a separate legal entity within KTZ, to separate it as a separate legal entity. In order to generally understand the income and expenditure part, how much the main railway networks are currently subsidized, including partly in transportation activities. We will understand the balance, and in the second stage we will bring it to consideration of the issue of separation from KTZ. The creation of a separate institute for infrastructure is divided into two stages. The first - within KTZ itself, you need to create a separate legal entity that will function independently. We will analyze its activities, then based on this we will make a final decision on its separation as a separate independent Institute," he said.

At the same time, the head of the Senate, Maulen Ashimbaev, stated the need to attract private companies to the market. As Ashimbaev noted, the volume of work and workload are growing. And the work that KTZ is doing today is no longer enough. Therefore, there is a need to attract third-party players – private companies. Investments are needed to modernize the main railway networks and solve other pressing problems of the industry.

The minister, in turn, supported the proposal of the chairman of the chamber regarding the involvement of private companies.