A number of important large-scale projects are planned within the framework of the “Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan and investments in 2024”


Based on the achievements of previous years, the Government has developed a “Program for the socio-economic development of Turkmenistan and investments in 2024”, which was approved by the Resolution of President Arkadaghly Hero Serdar.

Within the framework of the “Program for the socio-economic development of Turkmenistan and investments in 2024”, a number of important large-scale projects are planned, including dozens of large ones of international and regional importance. The construction of the second stage of the city of the future - the city of Arkadag - will also continue.

Secondly, continued Chairman Khalk Maslakhaty, these are goals in the field of development of trade and services. Among them are the effective functioning of the economy, the profitability of commodity producers, the creation of new jobs, an increase in wages and incomes of the population leading to an increase in solvency, an increase in consumer demand for goods and users of various services in the markets. The policy of the President of Turkmenistan attaches great importance to this area, and here one of the main tasks was and remains the development of trade, transport, housing and communal services, social and other services for the population in order to meet the growing demand for food products and essential goods.

Thirdly, the goals of the Social Orientation Program, said the National Leader of the Turkmen people, emphasizing that much attention is paid to measures to create new jobs and thoroughly ensure social security of the population. Investments are directed to the expansion of social infrastructure facilities, including housing, residential buildings intended for the category of especially needy citizens, medical institutions, secondary schools and kindergartens, highways, water, gas, energy supply and communication systems, water treatment facilities, transport and other social services.

Fourthly, the main goal of the work planned for implementation in all areas of the Program is aimed at the widespread introduction of advanced technologies, a digital system, the creation of a favorable business environment, and the development of the non-state sector.

Continuing, the attention of the meeting participants was focused on some indicators related to the internal development of the country.

As noted, in the era of the Renaissance of a new era of a powerful state, the economic potential of the country is steadily growing. Despite the global economic crisis, a steady rate of GDP growth has been maintained, which has averaged over 6 percent since 2009. Over the past 15 years, GDP has increased 3.7 times.

At the same time, it was stated that the range of products produced in the country, the quality of which meets international standards, is expanding. The volume of industrial output in 2023, compared to previous years, has increased by more than 3 times.

In addition, it was emphasized that the supply of goods fully satisfies the needs of the domestic market. The volume of retail trade turnover in 2008 was 16 million manats, and in 2023 this figure increased 8.5 times, reaching 140 million manats.

In December 2022, a comprehensive population and housing census was conducted in Turkmenistan, which resulted in a population of more than 7 million. This shows that compared to 2008, the population has increased by about 2 million. Demographic growth was achieved due to a significant improvement in the well-being and standard of living of our citizens.