From April 3 to 4, the delegation of Turkmenistan took part in the regional meeting on monitoring the state of the cryosphere of Central Asia, which was held in Kazakhstan.
The Turkmen delegation included specialists from various structural divisions of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the country, the Turkmenistan edition reports: The Golden Age."
The meeting was an introductory one for a new five-sided project, which starts with the support of the UNESCO regional office in Almaty.
As it was emphasized, among the planned activities are the study of snow, glacial and permafrost (glacial formations) in the conditions of climate aridization, their impact on the state of transboundary river resources, conducting a joint assessment of such "reserves" of fresh water for the region, developing integrated methods of sustainable development and adaptation to climate change in this direction.
The new platform for cooperation is designed to promote scientific exchange as well.
Hydrometeorologists, water scientists, climatologists and ecologists from five Central Asian countries will study the latest data, monitor glacial and snow caps of mountain systems in order to have a complete picture and predict future changes in the cryosphere feeding rivers.
The upcoming work involves the use of scientific research, technological advances and traditional knowledge to preserve mountain glaciers, verify and adapt well-known sustainable water conservation practices to the conditions of the region.
During the meeting, representatives of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan created a basic structure for further interaction, the source notes.