Prototypes of Amazon Internet satellites will be launched into space on October 6


The United Launch Alliance (ULA), which is a joint venture of the American corporations Boeing and Lockheed Martin, will launch the first prototypes of Amazon Project Kuiper satellites. The launch will take place on October 6.
Two satellites, Kuipersat-1 and Kuipersat-2, were delivered to the US Space Force base located at Cape Canaveral in Florida. On a United Launch Alliance rocket called Atlas V 501, they will be sent into orbit at an altitude of about 60 meters.
It should be noted that it was originally planned to use the ULA Vulcan Centaur rocket for launch.
For Amazon, this event is of great significance. Indeed, in the future the company hopes to begin serving its first customers, which requires checking the performance of the devices.
The Kuiper project is similar to Space Exploration Technologies' Starlink project. This is Amazon's initiative to launch a constellation of satellites into low Earth orbit that will provide high-speed broadband connectivity.