Euronews TV channel to expand partnership with "Turkmenaragatnashyk" Agency


A delegation of the European news channel "Euronews" arrived in Ashgabat on a working visit and held talks at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan with Deputy Minister Mahri Bashimova on Monday.
"Euronews" was represented at the meeting by Sylvian Jean Yves Roger, the TV channel's vice president for sales and partnerships. The parties noted the fruitful cooperation established over the past decade and mentioned a number of successfully implemented projects to cover significant events in Turkmenistan.
The parties also discussed plans for long-term partnership in the international information space. The representatives of the European TV channel expressed readiness to intensify joint activities and develop new forms of cooperation.
In this regard, the sides exchanged views on the implementation of the Partnership Agreement between the Agency "Turkmenaragatnashyk" of the Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and "Euronews", which was signed by the parties following the meeting.