Everyone needs communication: from the regional community to a unified information society


A joint meeting of the 59th Council of Heads of Communications Administrations of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC) and the 29th meeting of the Coordination Council of the CIS Member States on Informatization under the RCC were held in Ashgabat.
At the end of the meeting, which took place on the eve of the XVI International Exhibition and Scientific Conference on telecommunications, telemetry, information technologies and television broadcasting equipment “Turkmentel-2023”, Director General of the RCC Executive Committee Nurudin Mukhitdinov gave an interview .
– Nurudin Nasretdinovich, how did the current meeting go off?
– Today we discussed the issues of intensively building the information society, introducing new technologies – 5G, LTE, introducing satellite technologies to ensure full coverage of all territories of our countries. In order to be able to connect to the Internet anywhere, receive all the necessary government services, exchange opinions, text messages, audio recordings, photographs and other multimedia. That is, these were questions that help ensure the normal functioning of the modern information society.
– Were any specific decisions made?
- Certainly! Decisions were made that coordinate the actions of the relevant structures of our countries so that there is no duplication, so that questions do not arise related to the fact that we missed something. The agenda was prepared over almost a whole year, and issues were updated as they needed to be resolved.
– You will also participate in the scientific conference “Turkmentel-2023”...
– Yes, I will speak at the plenary session, and my report is devoted to the issues of artificial intelligence, its implementation in our field of activity, what advantages AI has, as well as features.
– The advantages of AI are, of course, a good help in work. But what about the shortcomings that exist, or the concerns that some users express?
– Let’s say this example: you are driving your car, the navigator tells you “Turn right”, then “Turn left”. Well, you turned, and there was a mountain. The question arises: Who is to blame? Navigator? (laughs). That's all!
– Thank you, you explained it very clearly. But let’s return to your meetings - this is not the first time I have attended them, and I see that they are held in a businesslike atmosphere, issues are discussed in a principled manner. Tell me, what is the effectiveness of such forums?
– As for the current meeting, it was fruitful, and in no small part due to the fact that in Ashgabat, as always, the forum organizers created the best conditions for productive work. Well, if we talk in general about the work of the Regional Commonwealth in the field of communications, then I would answer this way: an assessment of our work in the rating of RCC countries in the UN structure. If you look at the graph, our ranking is going up. We are not only catching up, but are already overtaking some countries that we previously lagged behind.
And this happened thanks to the effectiveness of joint work on introducing new technologies, improving the legislative framework in the field of our activities, pursuing a coordinated policy on the digitalization of society, discussing issues at the level of heads of administrations and at the government level. And this demonstrates not only our understanding of current challenges and the effectiveness of our efforts to solve them, but also shows our overall development.
– The modern world has become somehow multidirectional, but looking at today’s meeting, you are convinced with your own eyes that creative activity brings people from different countries together.
– Communication is an area of activity that everyone needs. And joint creative activity for the common good always brings people together. In addition, I will say that information technology is the most important support for the development of countries and the prosperity of peoples, since all modern production is based on digital technologies, and economic management is carried out using high-speed Internet. So the connection between people from ancient times to this day is the most important form of interaction in the name of the common good.
During the joint meeting of the 59th Council of Heads of Communications Administrations of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC) and the 29th meeting of the Coordination Council of the CIS Member States on Informatization under the RCC, bilateral meetings of the forum participants took place.