Speech of the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, at the working meeting.


Dear compatriots!

This year, under the motto "The Treasury of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy," is marked by grandiose reforms in the life of the country: all conditions are being created for the happy life and creative work of citizens. At the same time, noble work is being carried out to study and popularize the nation's historical values and literary heritage.

Our people, whose consciousness is rooted in the wisdom of their ancestors, have always regarded creation as the foundation of statehood, thus making a significant contribution to world literature and the treasury of culture.

Looking back at the past, you are filled with pride for the great deeds of your ancestors. Delving into the layers of history, this very feeling leads to amazing information.

As usual, I dedicated my labor leave to creative work: I thought a lot, put on paper the collected data about our glorious history. The fruit of my research was a new book: the work on it is completed, and I named it "Hakyda göwheri."

As for its content, I included materials in it dedicated to the influence of Magtymguly Pyragy's works on universal values, our glorious history, and the contribution of national culture to world civilization.

Being the heart of the Great Silk Road, our country is experiencing historical transformations. Whatever era we consider, it is obvious that Turkmen culture has always been famous in the world for its unique heritage and has had a huge impact on the history of mankind.

As you know, the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TÜRKSOY) declared 2024 the year of the great poet and thinker of the Turkic world, Magtymguly Pyragy, and the city of Anau as the cultural capital of the Turkic world, and this is a great pride and honor for the Turkmen people.

Today, samples of our material and spiritual heritage, historical landmarks are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and have been recognized by the Organization of Turkic States.

My dear people!

Our ancestors did a lot to convey to us the information about the glorious history of the nation. And the duty of the current generation is to pass it on to the next and so on.

As the saying goes: those who have no past have no future. We must always remember our national identity, follow the path of our ancestors, and at the same time keep pace with the times.

Dear compatriots!

We all have the right to be proud of our rich literary heritage, the achievements of our sovereign Motherland, because we are a great state, and a great state has a great nation!

As you can see, I hold in my hands the first copy of my new book "Hakyda göwheri." In the coming days, it will be published and made available to the general public.